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iOS 9.3 Warning: You Can No Longer Downgrade From Higher Version

Attention all jailbreaking fans! Apple has now ceased signing some of the iOS 9.3 firmware files, averting users from downgrading from iOS 9.3.1 and above.

This denotes iPhone and iPad users who have upgraded to iOS 9.3.1 can no longer downgrade to older iOS system to jailbreak their contrivances. Those endeavoring to downgrade will simply be facing an error message. The news was first corroborated by website which provides authentic-time signing status for Apple’s firmware files.

Apple has upped its game with hackers for the last few years as conventionally the company releases incipient security updates anon after a major update to fine-tune susceptibilities, as well as it ceases signing older firmware files to keep jailbreakers at bay.

In case you’re wondering about endeavoring out iOS 9.3 features like Night Shift Mode and others, only to revert back to your jailbroken contrivance, now is not the time to do so. There is no going back in case you’ve updated and with no jailbreak implement for Apple’s latest update you’ll will be stuck with the default contrivance settings.

Supplementally, jailbreakers need to be very meticulous while installing jailbreak tweaks as a deplorable tweak could facilely force you to renovate your contrivance, which would denote that you will lose the jailbreak and all the tweaks installed on your contrivance. You should adscititiously recollect that renovating your iOS contrivance will withal force an upgrade to iOS 9.3.1, now that iOS 9.3 is not available.

As of now there has been no jailbreak implement for iOS 9.3.1 and iOS 9.3. In fact there is no jailbreak implement for iOS 9.2.1 and iOS 9.2 either. The last JB implement was relinquished by team Pangu for iOS 9.0.1.

As reported earlier, if possible jailbreak implement could be possibly relinquished anon enough, most likely once after Apple gets rids of the sundry bugs plaguing the iOS 9.3. Apple has already relinquished a developer version of iOS 9.3.2 which could possibly be the more stable version of iOS. Once that transpires teams could commence working on JB implement which they surely would relish to relinquish afore the WWDC event in June, which will optically discern the debut of iOS 10.

Meanwhile, sundry websites supplementally report that Apple’s iOS 9.3 cannot be jailbroken as it is one of the most secure operating system from the Cupertino-predicated giant. However, an  iOS hacker, Luca Todesco (@qwertyoruip), seems to have found a way around Apple’s mobile operating system as he revealed a video of an untethered jailbreak for iOS 9.2.1, iOS 9.2 and iOS 9.3 beta. But he wouldn’t release a public jailbreak implement so it is up to other online hackers to come up with an alternative.

Adscititiously, jailbreaking community should beware of fake versions, which are being circulated by these fake websites pretending to be well-kenned jailbreaking team Pangu and TaiG. There have been no updates from the websites or Twitter handles of the pristine teams who are proficiently adept at cracking Apple’s security.

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Jillur Rahman

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