3 Skills Needed For Success As a Girl Boss
Let’s just admit it right here, we all get comparison-itis. Yes, it’s a condition where we look at other successful women in our industry and we compare, and we wonder why them, why not me? How did they become so successful? Why can’t I have that level of success? What’s their secret?
We all want to be successful, but comparing your beginning to someone else’s middle isn’t gonna do you any good.
In fact, after a year of following the best in my industry, studying their behaviors, subscribing to their lists, and basically stalking them 24/7, I saw three key things that each and every one of them has. It’s these three skills that have allowed them to be successful in their online businesses.
It’s also something that I am trying to practice in my own business. The only person that can stop us from reaching the kind of life and success we desire is ourselves. So, let’s get out of our own way, change our mindset, and just start.
1 // Confidence
This one is the key to unlocking all the rest. Female entrepreneurs that are successful aren’t afraid to put themselves out there and promote their business every. single. day.
Lack of confidence is something I think we all struggle with at one point or another in our lives, and if left unchecked it can absolutely hurt your success as a female entrepreneur.
To put it simply, if you lack confidence in yourself it will reflect back as a lack of confidence in your business.
If you want people to believe in the services and/or products you’re offering, and ultimately hand over their credit cards, then you have to show up, give insane value, and be authentic, so they can get to know, like, and trust you.
Having many ideas and never following through with them because you don’t believe enough in yourself is something I had to overcome in order to find my own success.
You need to believe in yourself, know that you have what it takes to put yourself out there and go after your dreams. Get out of your own damn way and just start.
2 // Self-Discipline
There are times in my business when I am so motivated that I don’t want to stop working. I can’t sleep, and I just work like a mad-women. The passion I have for what I do creates the madness, but then some days I just don’t feel motivated to do anything at all.
Being your own boss is great. There’s no one we have to answer to. BUT this also means there is no one there to hold us accountable. This is where it pays to have a plan.
So how can you get more disciplined? Set some attainable sort term goals.
List your goals for the next 90 days. Choose one main goal to focus on. For example, my goal was to get more subscribers on my list. Everything I focused on was list building. I created my free Pinterest course to give value while building my list. I created blog posts and was active on social media.
We can only achieve the results we desire if we buckle down and do what needs to be done, even when we don’t feel like doing it.
Another trick I found is by setting deadlines with my audience. It holds me accountable and keep’s me from putting things off.
For example, I wanted to do a live webinar for the last 3 months and I just kept putting it off. Well, I just decided to announce it to my audience 5 days before we go live. Now there’s no procrastinating on that. Oh shit, I better get to work!
3 // Get Visible
The only difference between you and the other people in your industry who are crushing it… They’re all in. They put themselves out there, every single day. They pushed through their doubts and fears, and just went for it anyways.
This is where your self-discipline and confidence needs to come into play. You have to show up and be consistent every. single. day. And you have to have a plan.
Visibility Tips:
- Post in Facebook groups, and offer your help to those who need it.
- Consider starting a group of your own on Facebook and invite your email subscribers to join.
- Post daily on 2-3 social channels. I like Pinterest, Twitter, and Instagram. Do live broadcasts with Facebook live or Periscope.
- Host some webinars, do guest posts, and whatever else you can think of to get yourself in front of your ideal audience.
I hope this post inspired you to become the best version of yourself. Go after those dreams ladies, and don’t ever give up, just adjust.
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